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Aaron, Alex, and Pete analyze the historical context, modern parallels, and discourse surrounding Israel's latest surge of violence against the Palestinian people. We also take care of some housekeeping, including information about our new Patreon tier system and scheduling updates.

Suggested Viewing Gaza Fights For Freedom directed by Abby Martin

100 Days of Biden with Ryan Grim

Aaron is joined by journalist and author Ryan Grim to discuss Biden's first hundred days in office, what he's accomplished (and has yet to accomplish), and what we can expect from his administration in the future.

They also dive into Ryan's book, We've Got People, to cover a brief history of grassroots and labor organizing in the United States, the relationship between electoralism and social movements, and the times and places such movements have intersected with the Democratic party... for better or worse. 

What power does the left have under a Biden presidency, and where can it be found?

Suggested Reading: We've Got People by Ryan Grim

Suggested Listening: Deconstructed with Ryan Grim (via The Intercept)

Planting the Seed with Kelsea & Jasmine of DARC

PLANTING THE SEED: Conversations with DSA - Episode III

In this edition of Planting the Seed, Aaron welcomes Atlanta organizers Kelsea B. and Jasmine B. of DARC (Defund APD, Refund Communities) to discuss the group's origins, the origins and history of policing, gentrification, and the state of policing in Atlanta: APD's tactics, and the tactics needed to dismantle them.

How do capitalists define "crime" as a social construct, and how can we protect our communities from the injustices of capitalism?

Suggested Reading: Despite opposition, HB 286 moves through state legislature (Mainline Zine)

Follow @DARCATL on Twitter, and visit and donate to Rogelio Arcila's campaign for Atlanta City Council District 4!

What Is To Be Done with Jamie Peck

As we return to our regularly scheduled programming, Aaron (@thotteusstevens) sits down with Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth) -- writer, organizer, and co-host of The Antifada -- for a long-awaited interview about everyone's favorite letters of the alphabet: DSA, AOC, CIA, PSL, NPR, etc. 

Along the way, they provide a primer on dual power: what it is, how we build to it, and whether or not it's possible in the United States. They also discuss the founding principles of a communist party, new horizons in leftist media, new challenges in police abolition, what comes next, and _what is to be done. _

How did we get so fucked up, and how do we unfuck the world? 

Suggested Reading: When the Wave Crashes by Jamie Peck (Commune) Everyday Ruptures: Putting Basebuilding on a Revolutionary Path by Teresa Kalisz (Regeneration)

Suggested Listening: The Antifada, Ep 138 - Spring Break Forever w/ Jake Flores

ALL-STAR UPDATE // April 5, 2021


Aaron (@thotteusstevens), Alex (@ArtieBucco69), and Pete (@mistakewizard) crack open the news of the week, including commentary on Amazon workers' efforts to unionize, Major League Baseball pulling the All-Star Game out of Atlanta, Matt Gaetz under investigation for sex trafficking, and marijuana legalization in New York.

[Opening music by John Pierce]

A.T. UPDATE (with Anna T.) // March 21, 2021


In this week's Update, Aaron Thorpe (@thotteusstevens) and Alex Teich (@ArtieBucco69) sit down with local comrade and organizer Anna T. (@docfission) to hear her reactions to the violent hate crime that claimed the lives of eight people, including six Asian women, in Atlanta last week. They also discuss growing up in Georgia, organizing within (and without) the AAPI community, the impact of imperialism upon domestic expressions of racism, and the limitations of hashtag campaigns.

Listen to Anna's recent appearance on Hot Girl Agenda and support the good work being done by NAPAWF!

Later in the show, Pete (@mistakewizard) joins Aaron and Alex to crack open a bag of 'bears to cover the following topics:

  • The Snyder Cut
  • What is a "Jeremy" lighter?
  • Biden's Big Fall
  • Weed purges in the White House
  • Prince Philip: Lookin' Good!
  • Meditations on our gerontocracy

Hot Caucus with Rara Imler and Yesi Padilla

In this episode recorded on International Sex Workers Rights Day (3/3), Aaron (@posadist_trapgd) invites leftist organizers and the hosts of Hot Girl Agenda, Rara Imler (@islandgoth) and Yesi Padilla (@StolenVelour_), to discuss their podcast, the state of sex work on the left and the place of sex work within a socialist society, restorative justice and the nature of forgiveness, organizing as femmes of color, community protection, and more! They also discuss the "New Sincerity" in left media, and how their show fits into the growing wave of leftist content breaking the cynical, white-male-dominated mold.

Subscribe to Hot Girl Agenda on Patreon!

Suggested Viewing: "Born In Flames" (Directed by Lizzie Borden, 1983)

The Worst of the Worst with Daniel Harper

In this GIANT-SIZE episode, Aaron (@posadist_trapgd) welcomes Daniel Harper (@danieleharper), far-right researcher and co-host of I Don't Speak German, to deliver a (nearly) comprehensive primer on the rise of white nationalist movements in the United States -- from the Oklahoma City bombing to the Boogaloo Boys, and beyond. Together, they try to provide a deeper context for ATOM's central question: how did we get here, and how can the left fight against it?

Support Daniel Harper and Jack Graham's work on Patreon, and listen/subscribe to I Don't Speak German on Libsyn!

Suggested Listening: Episode 52: Genocide and The Right Stuff Episode 78: Jimmy Dore Platforms a Boogaloo Boy Episode 79: Tom Metzger & The Origins of Online Hate

Suggested Reading: Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America by Kathleen Belew

Planting the Seed with Kenzo Shibata

PLANTING THE SEED: Conversations with DSA - Episode II

In the second installment of "Planting the Seed," a miniseries exploring the organizing work of Democratic Socialists of America, Aaron (@posadist_trapgd) brings in Kenzo Shibata (@KenzoShibata) of the Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago DSA to discuss CTU's efforts to ensure safe conditions for teachers, staff, and students as Chicago's Democratic mayor, Lori Lightfoot, pushes for a reckless re-opening.

How does solidarity with one's community aid in organization efforts? What the educators on the frontlines teach us about direct action, mutual aid, and class consciousness?

[NOTE: This interview was recorded on 2/5, so some information may not reflect the most recent state of affairs.]

Check out Kenzo's podcast/stream, CLASS TIME, on Twitch, Twitter, & Patreon.

Donate to the CTU's GoFundMe to provide aid for teachers who have been locked out of their classes.

Visit for more information on how to get involved with DSA.

Suggested Reading: Losing is Part of Fighting by Kenzo Shibata, via Substack (Published on 2/11)

Spectacular State of Mind with Julian Feeld and Liv Agar

Aaron (@posadist_trapgd) transcends meatspace to discuss Guy Debord's "The Society of the Spectacle" with Julian Feeld (@julianfeeld) and Liv Agar (@livposting), co-hosts of the QAnon Anonymous podcast. Together, they explore the spectacle: what it is, how it is maintained, and how the politics that shape our material lives come to be influenced by it as both products and producers of the spectacle.

How does the spectacle manifest in social movements on the left, such as BLM, and on the right, like QAnon? Can we escape this vicious cycle, or are we doomed to spectate?

Subscribe to QAnon Anonymous and Liv Agar on Patreon

Suggested Reading: "The Society of the Spectacle" by Guy Debord

Suggested Listening: QAnon Anonymous: "Secret Society of the Spectacle feat. Matt Christman"